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View transactions

Transactions can be accessed from the left menu and has 4 sections:


Search transactions

This section allows you to search through the database for specific transactions. You can filter through transactions by entering information about the transaction. Fields include:

  • From - only include transactions on and after the specified date
  • To - only include transactions on and before the specified date
  • 3DS Server Transaction ID - only include transactions with the specified Transaction ID
  • Account number - only include transactions by cardholder account number (may be represented by PAN or token)
  • Minimum purchase amount - only include transactions above the specified amount
  • Maximum purchase amount - only include transactions below the specified amount
  • Merchant name - only include transactions processed by the specified merchant, can be all or part of the merchant name
  • Provider(s) - only include transactions processed by the specified card scheme or schemes
  • Status - only include transactions with the specified result status (e.g. "Y" for Transaction Successful, etc.)
  • Purchase currency - only include transactions performed in the specified currency, defined by currency code
  • Message category - only include transactions that are either PA (Payment) or NPA (Non-Payment)

Once you have set the desired filters, click Search to view results in the Transaction List below. Click Clear to reset the fields.

Transaction list

Transaction list displays all transactions or a filtered list if you have selected any of the search parameters above.

Transaction details displayed are:

  • Provider - card scheme used for transaction
  • Date - date and time that the transaction was processed
  • 3DS Server Transaction ID - 3DS Server transaction ID of the particular transaction
  • Account number - account number used in the transaction, may be represented by PAN or token.
  • Amount - purchase amount of the transaction
  • Currency - currency code that the transaction was processed in
  • Merchant name - name of the merchant processing the transaction
  • Status - authentication result returned for the transaction, using the formats:
    • Frictionless (i.e. no challenge) - "Final status (ARes: ARes status)", e.g. "Y (ARes: Y)"
    • Challenge - "Final status (ARes: ARes status", RReq: RReq status), e.g. "N (ARes: C, RReq: N)"

Select any transaction row to view its details in the Transaction details section below.

Transaction Details

Transaction details displays the details for the transaction selected in the Transaction list.

Transaction Details

The Transaction details displayed are:

  • 3DS Server Transaction ID - universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS Server to identify a single transaction
  • Purchase date - date and time of the purchase
  • Merchant ID - acquirer assigned merchant identifier. This should be the same value that is used in authorisation requests sent on behalf of the 3DS Requestor
  • Merchant name - merchant name assigned by the acquirer or payment system
  • Account number - account number used in the authorisation request for payment transactions. May be represented by PAN or token
  • Amount - purchase amount of the transaction
  • ThreeDS Requestor name - DS assigned 3DS Requestor name. Each DS will provide a unique name to each 3DS Requestor on an individual basis
  • ThreeDS Requestor ID - DS assigned 3DS Requestor identifier. Each DS will provide a unique ID to each 3DS Requestor on an individual basis
  • ARes/CRes/RReq status - indicates whether a transaction qualifies as an authenticated transaction or account verification or not. Possible values are:
    • Authenticated (Y) - authentication verification successful
    • Not Authenticated (N) - not authenticated/account not verified; transaction denied
    • Unauthenticated (U) - authentication/account verification could not be performed; technical or other problem
    • Attempted (A) - attempts processing performed; Not authenticated/verified, but a proof of attempted authentication/verification is provided
    • Challenge Required - additional authentication is required using the CReq/CRes
    • Rejected (R) - authentication/account verification rejected; Issuer is rejecting transaction/verification and requests that authorisation not be attempted
  • Status reason - Provides information on why the Transaction Status field has the specified value. For Payment channel, required if the Transaction Status field = N, U, or R. For Non-payment channel, it is Conditional as defined by the DS. Possible values are:
    • 01 - Card authentication failed
    • 02 - Unknown Device
    • 03 - Unsupported Device
    • 04 - Exceeds authentication frequency limit
    • 05 - Expired card
    • 06 - Invalid card number
    • 07 - Invalid transaction
    • 08 - No Card record
    • 09 - Security failure
    • 10 - Stolen card
    • 11 - Suspected fraud
    • 12 - Transaction not permitted to cardholder
    • 13 - Cardholder not enrolled in service
    • 14 - Transaction timed out at the ACS
    • 15 - Low confidence
    • 16 - Medium confidence
    • 17 - High confidence
    • 18 - Very High confidence
    • 19 - Exceeds ACS maximum challenges
    • 20 - Non-Payment transaction not supported
    • 21 - 3RI transaction not supported
    • 22–79 - Reserved for EMVCo future use (values invalid until defined by EMVCo)
    • 80–99 - Reserved for DS use
  • Acquirer BIN - Acquiring institution identification code for the merchant's bank
  • Device channel - Indicates the channel from which the transaction originated. Possible values are:
    • App-based (01-APP)
    • Browser-based (02-BRW)
    • 3DS Requestor Initiated (03-3RI)
  • Pay token indicator - value of True indicates that the transaction was de-tokenised prior to being received by the ACS. This data element will be populated by the system residing in the 3-D Secure domain where the de-tokenisation occurs (i.e. the 3DS Server or the DS). The Boolean value of true is the only valid response for this field when it is present
  • Authentication value - payment system-specific value provided as part of the ACS registration for each supported DS. Authentication Value may be used to provide proof of authentication, e.g. during authorisation or clearing
  • Authentication type - indicates the type of authentication method the Issuer will used to challenge the cardholder if challenge is required, whether in the ARes message or what was used by the ACS when in the RReq message. Possible values are:
    • 01 - Static
    • 02 - Dynamic
    • 03 - OOB
    • 04–79 - Reserved for EMVCo future use (values invalid until defined by EMVCo)
    • 80–99 - Reserved for DS use
  • ECI - electronic commerce indicator value for the transaction, which identifies status of cardholder authentication for card schemes
  • Merchant category code - DS specific code describing the Merchant’s type of business, product or service
  • Message category - identifies the category of the transaction. Possible values are:
    • 01 - PA (Payment)
    • 02 - NPA (Non-Payment)
    • 03–79 - Reserved for EMVCo future use (values invalid until defined by EMVCo)
    • 80-99 - Reserved for DS use
  • Card expiry date - expiry date of the PAN or token supplied to the 3DS Requestor by the cardholder in YYMM format
  • Recurring frequency - for a recurring transaction, indicates the minimum number of days between authorisations
  • Purchase currency - currency code in which purchase amount is expressed
  • Recurring expiry date - for a recurring transaction, date after which no further authorisations shall be performed, in YYYYMMDD format
  • Challenge mandated - indication of whether a challenge is required for the transaction to be authorised due to local/regional mandates or other variable, possible values are:
    • Y - Challenge is mandated
    • N - Challenge is not mandated
  • SDK transaction ID - universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS SDK to identify a single transaction
  • DS transaction ID - universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the DS to identify a single transaction
  • ACS transaction ID - universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the ACS to identify a single transaction
  • ThreeDS requestor challenge indicator - indicates whether a challenge is requested by the merchant for this transaction. For example:
    • For 01-PA, a 3DS Requestor may have concerns about the transaction, and request a challenge.
    • For 02-NPA, a challenge may be necessary when adding a new card to a wallet.
    • For local/regional mandates or other variables.
    • Possible values are:
      • 01 - No preference
      • 02 - No challenge requested
      • 03 - Challenge requested: 3DS Requestor Preference
      • 04 - Challenge requested: Mandate
      • 05–79 - Reserved for EMVCo future use (values invalid until defined by EMVCo)
      • 80-99 - Reserved for DS use
      • Note: If the element is not provided, the expected action is that the ACS would interpret as 01 = No preference.
  • Error code - if available, code indicating the type of problem identified in the message
  • Error detail - if available, additional detail regarding the problem identified in the message
  • Error component - if available, code indicating the 3-D Secure component that identified the error. Possible values are:
    • C - 3DS SDK
    • S - 3DS Server
    • D - DS
    • A - ACS
  • Error description - if available, text describing the problem identified in the message
  • Message version - protocol version identifier utilised by the 3DS Server, set in the AReq message. The message version Number does not change during a 3DS transaction

Transaction Messages

To view the 3DS2 messages for a transaction, click Requests / Responses at the bottom of the Transactions section.

Transaction Messages

  • Message type - 3DS message type, e.g. AReq, ARes, RReq, RRes
  • Time stamp - date and time the message was sent or received.
  • Message content - raw JSON message content that was sent or received.